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The Truth About Iglesia ni Cristo: Separating Facts from Fiction

Have you ever wondered about Iglesia ni Cristo? Maybe you've heard some interesting things about their beliefs and practices. Or perhaps a friend or family member recently converted and you want to understand them better. There are a lot of rumors and misconceptions out there about INC, so you owe it to yourself to learn the truth. In this article, we'll walk you through the origins of Iglesia ni Cristo, their core beliefs, and how they differ from mainstream Christianity. You'll get an inside look at their worship services, leadership structure, and strict rules for members. We'll point out where INC's teachings align with the Bible and where they contradict it. By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of this homegrown Filipino church and be able to separate the facts from the fiction. The truth may surprise you!

The Bible According to Iglesia Ni Cristo: What They Accept and Reject

When it comes to the Bible, Iglesia Ni Cristo has some beliefs that align with mainstream Christianity, but they also reject or reinterpret major parts of the scriptures.

On the one hand, INC accepts the 66 books of the Protestant Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. They believe these books were inspired by God and contain His teachings. However, INC rejects the Christian belief in the Trinity - that God exists as the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. Instead, they believe Jesus is a man, not divine, and the Holy Spirit is God's power, not a person.

INC also rejects some fundamental Christian doctrines like original sin, salvation by faith alone, and the deity of Jesus. They believe a person must follow the teachings and be a member of the INC to attain salvation. Joining the INC church and being baptized in it is a requirement to be saved.

When it comes to prophecy, INC believes some parts of Revelation and Daniel point to the emergence of the INC church and its leader, Felix Manalo, as the "last messenger of God in these last days." Mainstream Christianity has a very different interpretation of these prophecies that do not point to the INC or Manalo.

The Bible is a complex book, and there are many possible interpretations of certain passages. However, INC's rejection of core Christian beliefs like the Trinity and Jesus as the Son of God put them at odds with mainstream Christianity and biblical orthodoxy. If you're considering INC, make sure you understand fully what they believe before committing yourself to their church.

Iglesia Ni Cristo's Unconventional Beliefs About Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

The Iglesia Ni Cristo has some beliefs about Jesus and the Holy Spirit that differ from mainstream Christianity.

  • They believe Jesus is human, not divine. According to INC, Jesus was just a man chosen by God to spread His message, not the Son of God or savior of humanity. This contradicts the Bible which clearly shows Jesus is the Son of God and savior of the world.
  • They deny the Trinity. The INC rejects the Christian belief in the Trinity - that God exists as the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. Instead, they believe the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are different roles, not persons. The Bible, however, mentions the Trinity in several places, like Matthew 28:19.
  • The Holy Spirit is God's power, not a person. INC teaches that the Holy Spirit is God's power in action, not the third person of the Trinity. But the Bible refers to the Holy Spirit in personal terms, like 'He' and 'Him', showing the Holy Spirit is a divine person.
  • Jesus is not God. The INC believes Jesus is subordinate to God and not equal with God. However, the Bible says Jesus is God in human form. Jesus referred to Himself as 'I AM' in John 8:58, the same title God used in Exodus 3:14. The Bible also calls Jesus the 'mighty God' in Isaiah 9:6.
  • Jesus' sacrifice was not enough. INC members believe they also need to follow the church's rules to be saved, not just have faith in Jesus. The Bible says we are saved by grace through faith in Christ alone, not by works. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross paid our sin debt in full.

As you can see, the Iglesia Ni Cristo has some unbiblical beliefs that contradict what the Bible actually teaches about Jesus and the Holy Spirit. By understanding what the Bible really says, we can separate the truth from fiction.

Salvation According to Iglesia Ni Cristo: Faith, Works, or Both?

Faith or Works?

According to Iglesia Ni Cristo, to attain salvation, one must have faith in God and Jesus Christ, follow God’s commandments, and be a member of the Iglesia Ni Cristo church. INC believes that faith alone is not enough for salvation and that good works and obedience to God’s laws are also required.

The Bible teaches that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not by our own works (Ephesians 2:8-9). However, INC claims that faith without works is dead (James 2:17) and that to be saved, one must obey God’s commandments and join the INC church. This contradicts the Bible's clear teaching that salvation is by faith alone.

Must Be A Member of INC

Iglesia Ni Cristo teaches that one must become a member of their church to attain salvation. They believe that INC is the only true church established by Jesus Christ. The Bible, however, does not teach that any particular church membership is required for salvation. Salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone, not in any church (John 14:6).

The INC's claim that their church is the only true path to salvation is unbiblical. All who put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation are part of the body of Christ, regardless of church membership or denomination (1 Corinthians 12:13). Salvation is not found within any church but through faith in Jesus Christ.

Following Commandments

Iglesia Ni Cristo believes that in addition to faith and church membership, one must follow God’s commandments to be saved. They teach that obedience to the law is a requirement for salvation. However, the Bible clearly teaches that we are not saved by following the law but by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). No one can attain salvation through their own good works or obedience.

While good works and obedience to God’s laws are the evidence of salvation, they are not the means of salvation. Salvation is a free gift of God received through faith in Jesus Christ alone (Romans 6:23). Our works play no part in earning or maintaining our salvation. Salvation depends solely on the finished work of Christ on the cross.

The Godhead and Trinity According to Iglesia Ni Cristo

The Godhead According to Iglesia Ni Cristo

The Iglesia Ni Cristo believes in one God, the Father, but rejects the Christian doctrine of the Trinity—that God exists as three coequal persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. INC believes the Father alone should be worshiped, and that Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are not God.

According to INC, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, but He is not God Himself. He was a man and the savior of humanity, sent by God to redeem people from sin. The Holy Spirit, to INC, is the power and influence of God—not a separate divine person. INC believes the Trinity doctrine came from pagan influences on early Christianity, not from the Bible.

The INC's rejection of the Trinity is a primary reason why mainstream Christianity considers it a cult. The Trinity doctrine is a central tenet of Christian orthodoxy, supported by the Bible and historical Christian creeds. INC's non-Trinitarian theology significantly contradicts 2,000 years of Christian belief.

Some key Bible verses INC uses to deny the Trinity are:

  1. John 17:3 - "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (Proving the Father alone is the only true God, not Jesus)
  2. 1 Corinthians 8:6 - "But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him." (Showing the Father as the one God, distinct from Jesus the Lord)
  3. Colossians 1:15 - "Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:" (Indicating Jesus is a created being, not God)
  4. John 14:28 - "Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I." (Proving Jesus is inferior to and distinct from the Father)

Mainstream Christianity argues these verses do not contradict the Trinity when read in context and alongside the many other verses that do support the deity of Jesus and personhood of the Holy Spirit. The debate continues...

Where Iglesia Ni Cristo Contradicts the Bible

The Bible is the Sole Authority

The Bible alone should be the final authority for all Christian beliefs and practices. However, Iglesia Ni Cristo contradicts this by elevating the teachings of Felix Manalo and the INC administration above the Bible. The INC considers the Bible as insufficient and incomplete, requiring Manalo's interpretations and the INC's doctrines to understand God's words properly.

Jesus is Both Human and Divine

The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus Christ is both fully human and fully divine as the Son of God. However, Iglesia Ni Cristo denies the divinity of Christ, claiming that He was just a human who was used by God. They believe Jesus is not God, not co-equal with the Father. This contradicts many Bible verses like John 1:1, John 10:30, and Colossians 2:9 which affirm the deity of Christ.

Salvation is by Faith Alone

The Bible says that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ alone, not by our own works or obedience. However, Iglesia Ni Cristo teaches that faith in Christ is not enough for salvation. One must also follow the INC's rules like attending worship services, giving offerings, and following the church administration. This contradicts Ephesians 2:8-9 and Romans 3:28 which say that salvation is attained by faith apart from works.

The Church's Foundation is Christ

The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the foundation and cornerstone of the Christian church. However, Iglesia Ni Cristo claims that Felix Manalo founded the "true church" in the Philippines on July 27, 1914. The INC considers Manalo as the "angel" referred to in Revelation 7:2-3, ignoring the fact that the Bible was written nearly 2,000 years before the INC was established. This contradicts Ephesians 2:20 which states that the church is "built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone."

The teachings of Iglesia Ni Cristo contradict clear biblical truths about the authority of Scripture, the divinity of Christ, salvation by faith alone, and Jesus as the foundation of the church. I hope this helps shed light on where the INC's beliefs depart from the Bible. Let me know if you have any other questions!


So there you have it, the truth about Iglesia Ni Cristo according to the Bible. While INC members are passionate in their faith and devotion, their beliefs contradict core Christian doctrines and biblical teachings. The Bible clearly shows Jesus is the Son of God and the only way to salvation, not the INC. The INC's claims about Felix Manalo and the last messenger are unfounded and false according to Scripture.

If you're considering joining the INC or are already a member, examine their teachings carefully against God's Word. The truth will set you free. Don't just take anyone's word for it, read the Bible for yourself and see what it really says. Your eternal salvation depends on following the true Jesus of the Bible, not a false Christ or prophet. The choice is yours, but choose wisely.

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