Para Maunawaan, isalin sa wikang inyong maintindihan:

The Most Important Decision of Your Life: Accepting Jesus as Your Lord and Savior

Hello, dear readers. Today I want to share with you a message that is very close to my heart. A message that has transformed my life and can transform yours too. A message that comes from the Bible, the word of God.

You see, the Bible tells us that we are all sinners, meaning that we have disobeyed God and broken his laws. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) Sin separates us from God, who is holy and perfect. Sin also brings death and judgment, both in this life and in the life to come. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)

But God loves us so much that he did not leave us in our sin and misery. He sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Jesus paid the penalty that we deserved, so that we can be forgiven and reconciled to God. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) Jesus also rose from the dead, proving that he has power over sin and death. “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” (Matthew 28:6)

The Bible says that if we confess our sins to God and believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we will be saved. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) We will receive God’s grace and mercy, and become his children by adoption. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12) We will have a new relationship with God, a new identity, a new purpose, and a new hope. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17) “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

This is the good news of the gospel, the message of salvation. It is a gift that God offers to you freely, out of his love. You don’t have to earn it or deserve it. You just have to accept it by faith.
Will you accept this gift today? Will you turn from your sin and trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If you do, you will experience the joy and peace of knowing God personally. You will also have the assurance of eternal life with him in heaven.

If you want to accept this gift, you can pray this simple prayer:

“Dear God, I admit that I am a sinner and I need your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead. I invite Jesus into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving me and making me your child. Amen.”

If you prayed this prayer sincerely, congratulations! You have just made the most important decision of your life. You are now a child of God, and he will never leave you nor forsake you.

I encourage you to find a Bible-believing church where you can grow in your faith and fellowship with other believers. I also encourage you to read the Bible daily, pray to God regularly, and share your faith with others.

May God bless you and keep you as you follow him.

Your friend in Christ,

A Prayer for Success and Overcoming in Any Situation

Heavenly Father, You are the God of all power and might, the God who gives us strength and courage, the God who enables us to overcome every obstacle and challenge. You are the God of all grace and wisdom, the God who guides us and teaches us, the God who equips us and empowers us. You are the God of all love and faithfulness, the God who cares for us and supports us, the God who promises us and fulfills us.

Lord, I come to You today with a humble heart, as I seek Your help and favor for my present situation. You know what I am facing, what I am feeling, what I am needing, and what I am hoping. You know my goals, my dreams, my plans, and my desires. You know everything about me, and You have a good purpose for me.

Lord, I ask You to fill me with Your determination to succeed and overcome. I ask You to inspire me with Your vision and passion. I ask You to motivate me with Your word and spirit. I ask You to enable me with Your gifts and talents. I ask You to bless me with Your opportunities and resources.

Lord, I thank You for being my source and my resource, for being my helper and my provider, for being my leader and my partner. I thank You for the gift of life, for the gift of salvation, for the gift of success. I thank You for Your word that says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). I thank You for Your promise that says “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Lord, I trust in You and Your will for my life. I believe that You can make me succeed and overcome in any situation. I surrender to You and Your plan for my future. I pray that whatever happens, I will always glorify You, honor You, and serve You.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

A Prayer for Healing and Hope for Our Loved Ones

Heavenly Father, You are the Great Physician, the Lord who heals all our diseases. You are the God of compassion and mercy, who hears our cries and answers our prayers. You are the God of miracles and wonders, who can do anything and nothing is impossible for You.

Lord, I come to You today with a heavy heart, as I lift up my loved ones who are suffering from illnesses. You know their names, their conditions, their needs, and their pain. You know their fears, their worries, their doubts, and their struggles. You know everything about them, and You love them more than I do.

Lord, I ask You to touch them with Your healing power, to restore their health and strength, to renew their hope and faith, to comfort their souls and minds, and to fill them with Your peace and joy. I ask You to be with them in their sickness, to surround them with Your presence, to support them with Your grace, and to sustain them with Your promises.

Lord, I thank You for being faithful and good, for being sovereign and wise, for being gracious and generous. I thank You for the gift of life, for the gift of salvation, for the gift of healing. I thank You for Your word that says “by His wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). I thank You for Your promise that says “I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds” (Jeremiah 30:17).

Lord, I trust in You and Your will for my loved ones. I believe that You can heal them completely or use their illnesses for Your glory. I surrender them to You and Your plan for their lives. I pray that whatever happens, they will always know that You are with them, that You love them, and that You have a purpose for them.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen

A Powerful Prayer of Accepting Jesus as Your Lord and Savior

Heavenly Father, You are the Creator of the universe, the Almighty God who spoke everything into existence. You are the God of Abraham, who called him out of his land and made him the father of many nations. You are the God of Jacob, who wrestled with him and blessed him with a new name. You are the God of Gideon, who delivered Israel from the Midianites with a small army. You are the God of David, who anointed him as king and gave him victory over his enemies. You are the God of Solomon, who granted him wisdom and wealth beyond measure. You are the one true God, who reigns forever and ever.

Lord, I confess that I am a sinner and I need Your forgiveness. I have rebelled against You and broken Your laws. I have fallen short of Your glory and I am unworthy in Your sight. But You loved me so much that You sent Your only Son, Jesus Christ, to save me from my sins and impurities. He died on the cross and rose again, defeating death and giving me eternal life. He is the way, the truth, and the life. By His blood, I am cleansed and justified. By His grace, I am redeemed and valued. By His name, I am saved and adopted. He is my Lord and Savior, and I invite and accept Him into my heart and life. I surrender to You and follow You as my God and King

Thank You for accepting me as Your child and giving me a new birth. Thank You for Your grace and mercy that cover me every day. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who guides me and empowers me.
Help me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love my neighbor as myself. Help me to grow in faith, hope, and love, and to serve You with joy and gratitude. Help me to share Your gospel with others and to make disciples of all nations.

I praise You for who You are and what You have done for me. I worship You in spirit and in truth. I give You all the glory and honor. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

The Shield of Love: A Motivational Story About Life Insurance

Life insurance is a financial tool that provides a safety net for your loved ones in the event of your untimely demise. It offers financial protection by paying out a sum of money, known as the death benefit, to your beneficiaries when you pass away. This ensures that your family can maintain their standard of living, cover outstanding debts, and fulfill long-term financial goals even after you're gone. In this blog, we'll delve into the different types of life insurance, their advantages, disadvantages, frequently asked questions, and real-life examples and stories.
Types of Life Insurance:

Term Life Insurance: Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period, usually 10, 20, or 30 years. If the policyholder dies within the term, the death benefit is paid to the beneficiaries. It is typically more affordable than other types of life insurance, making it an attractive option for those seeking temporary coverage.

Whole Life Insurance: Whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that offers coverage for the entire lifetime of the policyholder, as long as premiums are paid. It also builds cash value over time, which can be borrowed against or withdrawn. While it's more expensive than term life insurance, it offers lifelong protection and savings.

Universal Life Insurance: Universal life insurance combines death benefit protection with the ability to adjust the premium and death benefit amounts. It also accumulates cash value, but its flexibility allows policyholders to modify their coverage as their needs change.

Variable Life Insurance: Variable life insurance lets policyholders invest their cash value in various investment options such as stocks and bonds. As the cash value is subject to market performance, it can grow significantly, but it also carries more risk than other types of life insurance.

Advantages of Life Insurance:

Financial Security for Loved Ones: Life insurance ensures that your family is financially protected and can cover expenses like mortgages, education, and daily living expenses after your passing.

Debt Repayment: Life insurance can be used to pay off outstanding debts, such as loans and credit card balances, preventing your family from inheriting these financial burdens.

Estate Planning: It can play a vital role in estate planning, helping beneficiaries with estate taxes or transferring wealth to the next generation.

Peace of Mind: Having life insurance provides peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones won't be left in financial distress when you're no longer around.

Disadvantages of Life Insurance:

Cost: Depending on the type and coverage amount, life insurance can be expensive, especially for older individuals or those with pre-existing health conditions.

Complexity: Understanding the various types of life insurance and their features can be overwhelming, making it challenging to choose the right policy.

Lapsed Policies: If premiums are not paid, some policies may lapse, causing you to lose coverage and the investment you've made in the policy.

Cash Value Accumulation: While permanent life insurance policies accumulate cash value, the returns may not be as high as those from other investment options.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is life insurance necessary if I'm young and healthy?

Yes, life insurance is essential as it provides financial protection for your loved ones in case of any unexpected events.

What factors determine my life insurance premium?

Factors like age, health, lifestyle, coverage amount, and the type of policy you choose influence your premium.

Can I change my life insurance policy if my needs change?

Yes, some policies offer flexibility, allowing you to adjust coverage and premium amounts as your circumstances change.

Will I need a medical exam to get life insurance?

It depends on the type and amount of coverage you apply for. Some policies may require a medical exam, while others may not.


Life insurance is a crucial tool for protecting your loved ones' financial future, regardless of age or circumstances. Understanding the different types, advantages, and disadvantages can help you make an informed decision based on your needs and goals. Remember to review your policy regularly to ensure it aligns with your evolving life circumstances.

Motivational Story about "The Shield of Love"

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a kind-hearted man named David. He was known for his compassion and willingness to help anyone in need. Despite being a humble farmer, David dreamt of providing a secure and prosperous life for his beloved wife, Emily, and their two young children, Lily and Daniel.

One day, news spread across the village about a devastating fire that had struck a neighboring community, leaving many families homeless and in despair. David felt an overwhelming urge to offer his assistance. Without a second thought, he packed some essentials and rushed to the affected area.

As he arrived, David saw the immense pain and suffering the fire had caused. People were frantically searching for their loved ones, and homes lay in ruins. David knew he had to do something to help these families rebuild their lives. He approached the villagers and shared his plan.

"Dear friends," he began, "I have a humble proposal. Let us all come together and create a safety net for each other, just like a family does. We will contribute a small portion of our earnings to a common fund, and in times of crisis, we can use this money to support those who have suffered."

The idea resonated with the villagers, and they decided to form a close-knit community fund, which they called "The Shield of Love." Each member contributed what they could, be it money, food, or labor. The fund grew steadily, and soon, it became a symbol of hope and unity.

Years passed, and the Shield of Love continued to thrive, making a significant difference in the lives of many families. One fateful evening, tragedy struck David's family when he was involved in a terrible accident while working on the farm. The entire village was heartbroken to hear the news.

As word spread about David's accident, the villagers immediately gathered at his home, offering comfort and support to Emily, Lily, and Daniel. They knew that the Shield of Love was there to help during difficult times, and this was no exception.

Emily, with tears in her eyes, expressed her concerns about how she would manage without David's income. The burden of raising two children and running the farm alone seemed insurmountable. However, one of the villagers, Mr. Johnson, stepped forward with a reassuring smile.

"Emily, you need not worry. David had the foresight to secure his family's future," Mr. Johnson said, handing her an envelope.

Inside the envelope was a life insurance policy that David had taken out years ago. The policy provided a substantial death benefit, ensuring that Emily and the children would be financially stable even in his absence.

Through the Shield of Love, the villagers rallied around Emily and her family, taking care of the farm and helping them with their daily needs. The life insurance proceeds provided the necessary financial support, allowing Emily to focus on healing emotionally without worrying about the family's financial security.

Over time, Lily and Daniel grew up, knowing that their father's love and wisdom extended beyond his time on Earth. The Shield of Love continued to flourish, and its impact spread far beyond the village boundaries. Other communities heard of their heartwarming story and embraced the idea, creating their own versions of the Shield of Love.

David's legacy of compassion, unity, and life insurance as a shield of protection was an inspiration to many. The importance of planning for the unexpected and securing one's family with life insurance became a recurring theme in conversations across the region.

The Shield of Love became a symbol of hope and resilience, reminding people that they were not alone in their struggles. It reinforced the value of community, kindness, and the importance of being prepared for life's uncertainties.

Through the years, the Shield of Love continued to grow and thrive, impacting countless lives and leaving a profound mark on each person it touched. David's act of selflessness and the power of life insurance became a timeless tale that resonated through generations, reminding everyone that even in the darkest of times, love and protection could prevail.

And so, the story of the Shield of Love lives on, forever motivating people to be the support they wish to receive and to embrace life insurance as a tool to safeguard their loved ones. For in the end, it is not just the policy itself that matters, but the love and foresight behind it that can transform lives and shape a better future for all.

Unveiling the Contradicting Biblical Concepts of Ang Dating Daan

I studied the doctrine and teaching of Ang Dating Daan, I understand the appeal of the group's fundamental doctrines and the charisma of its leader, Bro. Eli Soriano. However, upon closer examination of the Bible, I began to notice contradictions in the teachings and practices of the organization. In this article, I aim to unveil some of the biblical contradictions I observed and the data gathered from Ang Dating Daan in the hopes of informing current and prospective members. My goal is not to attack or discredit the group or its leader but rather to encourage an objective analysis of its teachings based on the very book it claims as the basis of its authority - the Bible.

The History and Foundation of Ang Dating Daan

The Ang Dating Daan movement began in the Philippines in 1980 with the mission of spreading the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Its primary objective is to propagate the words of God according to what is written in the Bible. Eliseo Soriano, also known as Bro. Eli, founded Ang Dating Daan and has served as its Overall Servant since its inception.

Ang Dating Daan started as a radio program in 1980 and has since become a multi-awarded religious organization. Bro. Eli saw the need to use various media platforms to spread the teachings of God. The program currently airs through radio, television, and social media. The movement has grown into a religious organization with over 1,360 local congregations in the Philippines and abroad.

The doctrines and teachings of Ang Dating Daan are anchored on the Bible. Members believe that the Bible is the Word of God and the only basis of faith and service to God. The Church rejects traditions and practices not found in the Bible. Some of the Church's fundamental doctrines are:

1.   Faith in the Almighty Father, the Creator of all things.

2.   Faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the only Savior of mankind.

3.   Faith in the Holy Spirit as the Comforter and Guide of God's servants.

4.   Belief in the Bible as the complete and infallible Word of God.

5. Salvation is attained through faith in Christ and obedience to His commandments.

Ang Dating Daan continues to spread its mission through various media platforms and congregations around the world. The movement aims to lead as many people as possible to salvation through faith in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

False Doctrines Promoted by Ang Dating Daan

Ang Dating Daan teaches that Jesus Christ is not God which contradicts the Bible. According to John 1:1 and John 1:14, Jesus Christ is the Word, and the Word was God. Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh. However, Ang Dating Daan insists that Jesus Christ is just a man and was used by God. They deny the divinity of Jesus Christ which is a dangerous false teaching.

Ang Dating Daan also teaches that the Father is greater than Jesus Christ. They use John 14:28 where Jesus said, "My Father is greater than I” to prove their point. However, they fail to consider Philippians 2:6 which says Jesus is equal with God. Jesus said the Father is greater not in nature or essence but in position. The Father sent Jesus into the world, so in that sense, the Father is greater. But Jesus Christ is equal with the Father in nature as they are both God.

The group also teaches that the Holy Spirit is just a force and not a real person. However, the Bible proves the Holy Spirit has a mind (Romans 8:27), has a will (1 Corinthians 12:11), and can speak (Acts 13:2). The Holy Spirit is as much a person as the Father and Jesus Christ.

These false teachings promoted by Ang Dating Daan should not be taken lightly. Their doctrines contradict what the Bible says about the nature of God and can lead people into serious error. I hope that members will start reading the Bible for themselves and allow the Holy Spirit to guide them to the truth.

ADD's Rejection of the Trinity: A Direct Contradiction of Scripture

The belief system of Ang Dating Daan (ADD) directly contradicts several biblical concepts, particularly the doctrine of the Trinity. The Trinity refers to the Christian belief that God exists as three persons in one being: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

However, ADD rejects the Trinity and believes that Jesus Christ is not God, but merely a man. ADD claims that nowhere in the Bible did Jesus Christ affirm that He is the true God. They insist that Christ never claimed divinity for Himself and never identified Himself as the true God. In contrast, there are several biblical passages that prove Jesus is God. For example, in John 10:30, Jesus said, "I and the Father are one." In John 1:1, the Bible says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Verse 14 identifies the Word as Christ: "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."

Christ's divinity is also evident in His claims to forgive sins, which only God can do (Mark 2:5-7). His miracles, like walking on water (John 6:19) and raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:38-44), demonstrate His deity. The Bible calls Jesus the "mighty God" (Isaiah 9:6) and "God over all" (Romans 9:5).

The rejection of the Trinity and the deity of Christ are in direct contradiction to what the Bible explicitly teaches. ADD's beliefs on this matter go against Scripture and historic Christian doctrine. The Bible is clear that there is one God who exists in three co-equal and co-eternal persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the Son, the second person of the Trinity, and He is fully God and fully man.

The Unbiblical Teachings of "Sugo" Eliseo Soriano

As the self-proclaimed "Sugo" or messenger of God, Eliseo Soriano teaches several doctrines that contradict the Bible.

Unbiblical Doctrines on the Nature of Christ

Soriano denies the divinity of Jesus Christ, claiming that Christ was just a man and not God. This contradicts John 1:1 which states that "the Word was God." He also denies the Trinity, rejecting the belief that there are three persons in one God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. However, Matthew 28:19 commands baptizing disciples "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

Salvation by Works, Not Grace

Ang Dating Daan teaches that people are saved by good works and obedience to the law, not by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. According to Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." Soriano insists people must follow the Ten Commandments and church rules to receive salvation.

Exclusive Claims as the True Church

Soriano proclaims that Ang Dating Daan is the only true church and that he is the only true messenger of God in these last days. However, the Bible does not teach the idea of a "true church" or "last messenger." Jesus is the only way to salvation according to John 14:6, not membership in a specific organization.

Unbiblical Teachings on the Sabbath

Ang Dating Daan observes Saturday as the holy day instead of Sunday, claiming the early Christians kept the Sabbath. While the Apostles did attend synagogue on the Sabbath, they also met on the first day of the week as evidenced in 1 Corinthians 16:2 and Acts 20:7. The Sabbath was part of the old covenant with Israel, but Christians are under the new covenant.

In conclusion, the contradictory teachings and biblical misinterpretations of Eliseo Soriano should be a warning to those seeking the truth. His claims as the "Sugo" and that only ADD members will receive salvation are unbiblical and misleading. The Bible is the only authority for Christian faith and practice.

ADD's One-Sided Interpretation of the Bible

The Ang Dating Daan movement, through its program “Itanong Mo Kay Soriano, Biblia Ang Sasagot” (Ask Soriano, the Bible Will Answer), claims to uphold the Bible as the sole authority in matters of faith. However, upon close examination of ADD’s interpretations, one can find many instances where they have taken biblical verses out of context or given them twisted and inaccurate explanations to suit their doctrines.

Cherry-Picking Verses

ADD has frequently been criticized for cherry-picking isolated Bible verses to validate their teachings while ignoring related passages that contradict them. For example, to justify their prohibition on eating “dinuguan” or blood stew, ADD cites Acts 15:20 which forbids the early Christians from eating blood. However, they fail to consider Acts 15:29 which clarifies that this only applies to meat from strangled animals and meat sacrificed to idols.

Twisting Scripture

In several debates, ADD has been found twisting Bible verses to fit their narrative. One case in point is their interpretation of Acts 20:28 Lamsa version which they claim supports their belief that Christ is not equal to God. However, Bible scholars have pointed out that Lamsa’s translation contains errors and that the verse should accurately read “to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.” This affirms the divinity of Christ which ADD rejects.

Out-of-Context Explanations

ADD also has a tendency to take Bible verses out of context to justify their doctrines. For example, to prove that Jesus is not God, they cite John 8:40 where Jesus says "You are looking for an opportunity to kill me, a man who has told you the truth". By isolating this verse, ADD ignores the many other passages where Jesus claims divinity like John 10:30 "I and the Father are one".

In conclusion, while ADD claims to uphold the Bible as their sole authority, a careful analysis of their interpretations reveals many instances of mishandling Scripture through cherry-picking verses, twisting meanings, and taking passages out of context. One should exercise caution in accepting ADD's explanations and instead verify their teachings against what the Bible really says.

Legal Issues Surrounding Ang Dating Daan

Defamation Cases

In 2006, Ang Dating Daan filed a suit against a religious television show for airing derogatory remarks towards the organization. Won the case, which resulted in the show publicly apologizing for their slanderous comments. Similarly, in 2012, another defamation case against a pastor for his hateful and offensive claims about ADD beliefs. Again, the court ruled in ADD favor. These victories affirmed the right to defend the name and reputation against malicious falsehoods.

Criminal Cases

Certain disgruntled former members have attempted to file dubious criminal complaints against other administrators. For example, in 2019 a number of nonsensical estafa, libel and obstruction of justice charges were brought to the justice department. However, after reviewing the baseless accusations and lack of evidence, the department promptly dismissed all charges. Such nuisance suits are mere harassment tactics that prove futile in the face of facts and reason.

Through all these legal issues, Ang Dating Daan has emerged victorious by relying on the truth and defending our moral authority and remain committed to resolving disputes through proper legal and ethical means. Their experiences have taught them to be vigilant in protecting their rights while also showing compassion for those who would seek to undermine them. By the grace of God, ADD will continue moving forward in faith and courage.

The Unethical Methods of Ang Dating Daan

Cult-like Environment

Ang Dating Daan exhibits the characteristics of a cult. ADD administrator demand utmost devotion, obedience and commitment from members. As the sole authority on the Bible and the only channel of truth. Members are discouraged from interacting with non-members and are taught to view people outside the church as evil. Administrator’s word is final on all matters.

Stories From Former Members of Ang Dating Daan
Strict Compliance to MCGI Doctrines

Members are required to strictly follow the doctrines and teachings of the MCGI and Bro. Eli Soriano. Any dissent or disagreement with these doctrines is frowned upon and seen as a lack of faith. Members are discouraged from reading or listening to any material that contradicts MCGI teachings. This strict compliance and unwillingness to consider other biblical perspectives isolate members and give the MCGI leaders immense control over the thoughts and beliefs of members.

Discouragement of Critical Thinking

Members are discouraged from critically analyzing MCGI doctrines and teachings. They were told not to question church leadership or teachings because it shows a lack of faith and humility. This suppression of critical thinking and unwillingness to consider other perspectives prevents members from spotting logical fallacies and inconsistencies in MCGI teachings.

Judgment and Condemnation of Other Groups

MCGI, particularly Bro. Eli Soriano, frequently judge, criticize and condemn other religious groups, especially the Catholic Church. Members are taught that MCGI has the only correct interpretation of the Bible and all other groups are condemned. This judgment and condemnation of others contradict Jesus’ teachings of love, kindness, and acceptance.

Excessive Focus on Monetary Contributions

While MCGI claims to uphold Christian values of generosity and charity, in reality members are subjected to excessive pressure to contribute money to church funds and projects. Huge amounts of time in worship services and gatherings are dedicated to encouraging members to give generous monetary offerings. This excessive focus on monetary gain seems to contradict Christian teachings against greed, materialism, and the love of money.

In summary, some of the contradicting biblical concepts I gathered on this research, Ang Dating Daan members strict compliant to MCGI doctrines, discouragement of critical thinking, judgment of other religious groups, and an excessive focus on monetary contributions.

FAQs About Ang Dating Daan's Contradicting Biblical Concepts

Is it true that Ang Dating Daan prohibits watching television and listening to radio?

No, that is an unfounded myth. While Ang Dating Daan advises members to be discerning in their media consumption and cautions against content that promotes immorality or false teachings, ADD do not have an outright prohibition against TV, radio or other media. Members are free to make their own judgments on what types of entertainment and information are edifying and in line with biblical values.

Why does Ang Dating Daan require members to attend worship services so frequently?

Attending regular worship services, prayer meetings and Bible studies is an important part of spiritual growth and fellowship. By assembling with other believers several times a week, members are able to strengthen their faith through hearing the word of God, participate in corporate prayer and build relationships with their brethren. While the frequent services may seem burdensome to some, they help cultivate discipline and deeper commitment to serving the Lord.

Is it necessary for members to give large portions of their income as offerings?

Ang Dating Daan does not require a fixed amount of tithes and offerings from members. However, we do emphasize the biblical principle of generous and sacrificial giving as a way for members to express gratitude to God, support the work of the ministry and help those in need. The amount each member gives is a personal decision between them and the Lord. No one is compelled to give beyond their means.

Why are some biblical passages reinterpreted differently in Ang Dating Daan?

Ang Dating Daan aims to understand biblical teachings in their original linguistic, cultural and historical context. Some passages that have been traditionally interpreted in particular ways are reexamined to gain clearer insights into their intended meaning. While this may lead to unconventional interpretations at times, the goal is to lay aside preconceptions and let the Bible speak for itself. As with any Bible-based faith, there is room for differences of opinion on certain doctrines.


In conclusion, Ang Dating Daan is a religious group that holds contradictory beliefs and concepts from what is taught in the Bible. Their doctrines and practices are not grounded in the Bible but are instead based on the interpretations of its leader, Eliseo Soriano. While the group promotes values such as morality, love of God and good works, their teachings distort the gospel and the nature of Jesus Christ as taught in the Scriptures. Members are often misled into thinking they have found the true path to salvation. My hope is that people will critically examine the beliefs of this group in light of what the Bible actually teaches. The eternal destinies of many are at stake.

Unveiling God's Word of Today: A Pathway to Understanding Destiny

Welcome to "God's Word of Today," where we delve into the profound wisdom found in the scriptures and explore its relevance in the context of destiny. Throughout history, humanity has sought answers to questions about purpose, direction, and the ultimate meaning of life. In our pursuit of destiny, we often turn to the divine for guidance and inspiration. Within the pages of the Bible, we discover a wealth of wisdom and promises that illuminate the path towards fulfilling our destinies. So, let's embark on this journey together, as we explore the intersection of God's Word and our destiny.

Understanding Destiny

Destiny is a concept that has fascinated human minds for centuries. It encompasses the idea that each individual has a unique purpose or calling in life. While destiny may appear mysterious, the Bible provides invaluable insights into this profound subject. By studying God's Word, we can begin to unravel the intricate tapestry of our lives and gain a deeper understanding of the plans that God has for us.

God's Sovereignty and Our Choices

In the exploration of destiny, a common question arises: Does God's sovereignty negate our freedom of choice? The Bible teaches us that while God holds ultimate authority, He has also granted us free will. It is within this beautiful balance that our destinies unfold. By aligning our choices with God's principles and seeking His guidance, we can actively participate in the fulfillment of our God-given destinies.

God's Promises and Destiny

The Word of God is replete with promises that guide us towards our destinies. From the comforting words of Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future," to the encouragement found in Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart," we discover that God desires to bless and guide us in our journey towards destiny.

Navigating Challenges on the Path of Destiny

The pursuit of destiny is not without obstacles and challenges. However, God's Word offers strength, wisdom, and encouragement to overcome them. As we face adversity, scriptures such as Isaiah 41:10 remind us to fear not, for God is with us, and His strength sustains us. Through our faith in God's promises and a steadfast commitment to His Word, we can navigate the twists and turns of life and emerge stronger on our path to destiny.

Trusting God's Timing

Timing plays a crucial role in the realization of our destinies. Often, we may find ourselves impatient or discouraged when our plans don't align with God's timetable. Yet, the Bible assures us that God's timing is perfect. Ecclesiastes 3:11 reminds us that God makes everything beautiful in its time. As we grow in trust and surrender to His timing, we can rest assured that our destinies will unfold in the most opportune and fulfilling manner.


In our quest to understand destiny, we find solace, wisdom, and guidance within the pages of God's Word. As we align our lives with His principles, seek His will, and trust in His promises, we embark on a remarkable journey towards fulfilling our God-given destinies. May this exploration of God's Word of Today ignite within us a deep desire to know Him more intimately and walk confidently on the path He has set before us. Remember, destiny awaits—let us embrace it with faith, hope, and love.

God's Word of the Day: Joshua 1:9

The Power of Bravery: Taking Courage in the Face of Challenges

Dear brothers and sisters, today we have to reflect upon the virtue of bravery and the profound impact it can have on our lives. In a world full of uncertainties and challenges, it is essential for us to understand the significance of courage and how it can be nurtured through faith. Let us delve into the Word of God and discover how biblical principles can guide us in cultivating bravery.

Biblical Verse: Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Imagine a young shepherd boy named David. He was confronted with a seemingly insurmountable challenge when the towering Philistine giant, Goliath, taunted the armies of Israel. Everyone trembled in fear, except David. Through his unwavering trust in God's strength and the bravery that emanated from his faith, David stepped forward to face the giant.

David's bravery was not a result of his physical stature or military training but rather rooted in his intimate relationship with God. As David approached Goliath, he declared, "You come against me with sword and spear, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty" (1 Samuel 17:45, NIV). Despite the odds stacked against him, David displayed unwavering bravery because he knew he was not alone.

Lessons on Bravery:

Trusting in God's Promises

The Scripture reminds us that God commands us to be strong and courageous. Just as He was with David, He is with us always. We can find solace in the fact that our Creator is by our side, giving us the strength to overcome any obstacle we encounter. When we place our trust in Him, we can be bold and fearless.

Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zones

Bravery often requires us to step out of our comfort zones and face unfamiliar territories. Abraham's journey to a new land (Genesis 12:1) and Moses' confrontation with Pharaoh (Exodus 5-14) exemplify the necessity of embracing discomfort and uncertainty. By taking risks and leaving behind the familiar, we open ourselves to new possibilities and experiences.

Embracing Challenges as Opportunities

Bravery is not the absence of fear, but rather the triumph over it. Every challenge we face presents an opportunity for growth and transformation. The story of Esther illustrates this beautifully. She risked her life by approaching the king to save her people from destruction. In the face of fear, Esther's bravery led to the preservation of an entire nation (Esther 4-7).


Bravery is not an extraordinary trait reserved for a select few; it is a virtue accessible to every believer. By anchoring ourselves in God's promises, stepping out of our comfort zones, and embracing challenges as opportunities, we can nurture bravery within us. Let us remember Joshua 1:9, "Be strong and courageous," and take heart in the knowledge that the Lord our God is always with us. May we, like the heroes of faith before us, walk boldly in the path God has set before us, bringing hope and light to a world in need.

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