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What are the Biblical Eras and Why are They Important?

The Bible is a collection of books that tell the story of God’s relationship with humanity. The Bible covers a long span of history, from the creation of the world to the future hope of God’s kingdom. To help us understand the Bible better, we can divide it into different eras, or periods of time, that highlight the main events and themes of God’s plan.

The Biblical eras are not based on human calendars or historical dates, but on God’s revelation and action. Each era has a vertical arrow that represents God’s speaking, and a horizontal arrow that represents God’s action to fulfill what He has spoken. The eras also have simple graphics that capture the main idea of each era.

There are different ways to divide the Bible into eras, but one common scheme is to use 14 eras, as follows:

1.   Creation Era: This era covers the first 11 chapters of Genesis, from the creation of the world to the tower of Babel. It shows how God created everything good, but humans rebelled against Him and brought sin and death into the world. God promised to send a Savior to restore His creation.

2.   Patriarch Era: This era covers the rest of Genesis, from Abraham to Joseph. It shows how God chose a family to bless all nations through them. God made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants, Isaac and Jacob, and gave them the land of Canaan as their inheritance. God also tested their faith and protected them from famine and enemies.

3. Exodus Era: This era covers the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It shows how God delivered His people from slavery in Egypt and gave them His law at Mount Sinai. God also provided for their needs in the wilderness and prepared them to enter the promised land. God also established a sacrificial system to deal with their sins and a tabernacle to dwell among them.

4.    Conquest Era: This era covers the book of Joshua. It shows how God helped His people conquer the land of Canaan and divide it among the tribes of Israel. God also reminded them to obey His law and worship Him alone. God also fulfilled His promise to Abraham by giving him descendants as numerous as the stars.

         Judges Era: This era covers the book of Judges and part of 1 Samuel. It shows how God raised up judges to deliver His people from their enemies when they sinned and forgot Him. The judges were not kings, but military leaders and spiritual guides. The era also shows how the people demanded a king like other nations, which displeased God.

    Kingdom Era: This era covers most of 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, and some Psalms. It shows how God gave His people kings to rule over them and lead them in His ways. The first king was Saul, who failed to obey God. The second king was David, who was a man after God’s heart. The third king was Solomon, who built the temple for God but also turned away from Him. After Solomon, the kingdom was divided into two: Israel in the north and Judah in the south. Both kingdoms had good and bad kings, but mostly bad ones who led the people into idolatry and injustice. God sent prophets to warn them of His judgment and call them to repentance.

    Exile Era: This era covers part of 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Esther, and some Psalms. It shows how God punished His people for their sins by allowing their enemies to destroy their land and take them into exile in Babylon and Persia. The exile lasted for 70 years, during which time God preserved a faithful remnant of His people and revealed His plans for the future through visions and dreams.

    Return Era: This era covers Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, and some Psalms. It shows how God brought His people back from exile to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple. God also renewed His covenant with them and restored their worship and identity as His people. God also prepared them for the coming of His Messiah through prophecies.

    Silence Era: This era covers the period between the Old Testament and the New Testament, about 400 years. It is called silence because there was no prophetic voice from God during this time. However, God was still at work behind the scenes, shaping history and culture for the arrival of His Son.

    Gospel Era: This era covers the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It shows how God fulfilled His promises by sending His Son Jesus Christ into the world. Jesus was born of a virgin in Bethlehem, lived a sinless life in Nazareth, preached the good news of the kingdom of God in Galilee and Judea, performed miracles and signs, died on the cross for our sins in Jerusalem, rose from the dead on the third day, and ascended to heaven. Jesus is the Savior, the Lord, and the King of kings.

    Church Era: This era covers the book of Acts and the epistles (letters) of the New Testament. It shows how God established His church through the power of the Holy Spirit and the witness of the apostles. The church is the body of Christ, composed of Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus and follow Him. The church is also the bride of Christ, who loves her and prepares her for His return. The church is also the temple of God, where He dwells by His Spirit and where He is worshiped in spirit and truth. The church is also the family of God, where He is our Father and we are His children. The church is also the army of God, where He equips us with spiritual weapons and armor to fight against the devil and his schemes.

    Mission Era: This era covers the present time, from the first century until now. It shows how God continues to work through His church to spread His gospel to all nations and make disciples of all people. God also continues to reveal His will and wisdom through His word and Spirit. God also continues to bless His people with spiritual gifts and fruit. God also continues to care for His people with His providence and grace.

     Tribulation Era: This era covers the future time of great trouble and distress that will come upon the world before the return of Christ. It is based on the book of Revelation and other prophetic passages in the Bible. It shows how God will judge the wicked and save His people from the wrath to come. It also shows how God will defeat Satan and his allies, who will oppose God and His people with deception, persecution, and violence.

    Kingdom Era: This era covers the future time of peace and joy that will come after the return of Christ. It is based on the book of Revelation and other prophetic passages in the Bible. It shows how God will establish His kingdom on earth, where He will reign with His people forever. It also shows how God will restore His creation to its original glory, where there will be no more sin, death, pain, or sorrow.

The Biblical eras are important because they help us see how God’s story unfolds from beginning to end. They help us understand how each part of the Bible fits into the whole. They help us appreciate how God’s plan is consistent, faithful, and wise. They help us recognize how God’s character is revealed in His words and deeds. They help us respond to God’s call in our own lives.

The Biblical eras are not just a way to organize information, but a way to encounter God’s revelation. As we study them, we can grow in our knowledge of God and our love for Him. We can also grow in our faithfulness to God and our obedience to Him. We can also grow in our hopefulness for God and our readiness for Him.

The Biblical eras are a gift from God to help us know Him better and follow Him closer. May we treasure them and use them for His glory.

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