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DAILY BREAD: NOVEMBER 13, 2024 / Ephesians 4:22-24 - Put on the New Self: Embracing Your God-Given Glow-Up

Ever feel like your life’s wardrobe needs an upgrade? We’re not talking about a closet full of new clothes; we’re talking about a spiritual “glow-up.” In Ephesians 4:22-24, Paul writes, “Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires… and put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” Sounds simple, right? But, as many of us know, leaving the “old self” behind isn’t as easy as tossing out that old, stained t-shirt we’ve been wearing since college.

In fact, some of us hold onto our “old selves” like a favorite hoodie—even if it’s worn out and doesn’t quite fit anymore! Here’s a humorous story to illustrate.

A (Slightly) Embarrassing Story: Let’s rewind to a time when I was hanging out with some friends for lunch. Now, I’ve always had this ancient, overly-comfortable sweatshirt. It was grayish—well, more of a gray-beige-brown color, with a few mysterious stains that no detergent could remove. But it was mine, and I loved it.

So, I put on my trusty sweatshirt, not realizing that, well, it didn’t exactly scream “fashion-forward.” We were in line at the café, and I noticed the cashier giving me a funny look. Finally, she couldn’t hold back and said, “I used to have a sweater just like that... back in high school.” The kicker? She was at least ten years older than me. I looked down at my raggedy sweater and had to laugh at myself. It was a classic moment of clinging to something that had long outlived its usefulness!

The Moral of the Story: Now, just like that sweater, our “old self” can be hard to let go of. The habits, attitudes, and patterns of thought that once felt so comfortable may not fit who we are—or who we’re becoming—in Christ. Ephesians tells us to “put off” this old self and embrace the new one, crafted in the likeness of God. This isn’t about perfection but transformation. It’s about letting go of the comfortable-but-worn-out parts of ourselves that no longer serve us and, instead, adopting a mindset and lifestyle that reflect God’s character.

What Putting on the New Self Looks Like:

Leave the Grudges Behind

    Imagine carrying a bag of rocks around all day—that’s what it’s like to hold onto grudges. As part of your “new self,” try leaving those grudges in God’s hands. Let forgiveness be the “new you” outfit that makes your heart a lot lighter and a lot happier.

Trade Self-Doubt for Confidence in Christ

    That old voice that says, “I’m not enough” or “I can’t do this”? Time to replace it! Clothe yourself in God’s promises: “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20). Let this new self believe that if God called you to it, He’ll equip you for it.

Swap Out Complaints for Gratitude

    Complaining can feel like a cozy sweatshirt we love to throw on when things get rough. But, just like that old sweater, it doesn’t actually make us look good. Embracing gratitude, on the other hand, is like putting on a coat of joy. It lifts our spirits, inspires others, and makes every day a little brighter.

How to Embrace Your New Self Daily:

Talk to God Regularly

    Like checking in with a friend, a daily conversation with God keeps you in tune with His vision for you. Ask for strength, patience, and guidance to live out the “new self.”

Remember You’re a Work in Progress

    Change doesn’t happen overnight. Transformation is a journey, not an instant fix. So give yourself grace, and don’t get discouraged if you find yourself reaching for that old “sweater” every now and then. God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23).

Celebrate the Small Wins

    Each time you choose patience over frustration or kindness over criticism, you’re putting on that new self! Celebrate these moments. They’re signs that God’s working in you, and even the small steps add up over time.


Stepping into the “new self” God has designed for us is like wearing an outfit tailored by a master designer—one that fits just right. So, ditch the worn-out “sweater” of the past, and put on the grace, compassion, and confidence of a life aligned with God. And remember, while wearing the “new self” might feel strange at first, it’s truly the most comfortable, most joyful way to live.

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