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DAILY BREAD: DECEMBER 24, 2023 / Genesis 3:7 - The First Covering

Have you ever wondered what it was like for Adam and Eve before they sinned? They lived in perfect harmony with God and each other, enjoying the beauty and bounty of the Garden of Eden. They had no fear, no shame, no guilt, and no pain. They were naked and unashamed, because they had nothing to hide.

But everything changed when they disobeyed God’s command and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They listened to the serpent’s lies, and chose to rebel against their Creator. And as soon as they did, their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked. They felt exposed and vulnerable, and tried to cover themselves with fig leaves. This is the first consequence of sin: shame and guilt.

Shame and guilt are powerful emotions that affect our relationship with God and ourselves. They make us feel unworthy, unlovable, and unacceptable. They make us want to hide from God and others, and to cover up our flaws and failures. They make us insecure, fearful, and defensive. They rob us of our peace and joy.

But the fig leaves that Adam and Eve used to cover themselves were not enough. They were temporary and insufficient. They could not cover their nakedness or restore their fellowship with God. They were still guilty and condemned before a holy God. They needed a better covering for their sin.

And that’s what God provided for them in Genesis 3:21. He made garments of skin for Adam and Eve, and clothed them. This was an act of grace and mercy, but also of justice and sacrifice. God had to kill an innocent animal to provide the skin for the garments. The animal had to shed its blood to cover their sin. This was a symbol of the sacrifice and bloodshed that was required to atone for sin.

And this was a foreshadowing of the ultimate sacrifice and covering for our sin: Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who came to take away the sin of the world. He died on the cross and rose again, to pay the penalty and break the power of sin. He is the only one who can cover our sin and give us eternal life. He is the only one who can clothe us with his righteousness and make us acceptable to God. He is the only one who can heal our shame and guilt, and restore our relationship with God and ourselves.

So, what does this mean for us today? How can we apply this truth to our lives?

First, we need to acknowledge our sin and need for God’s forgiveness and grace. We need to confess our sin to God and repent of it. We need to trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and receive his gift of salvation. We need to accept his covering for our sin, and not rely on our own works or righteousness.

Second, we need to live in the light of God’s love and truth, and not in the darkness of sin and deception. We need to abide in Christ, and let his word and Spirit guide us. We need to resist the devil, and flee from temptation. We need to walk in obedience to God, and follow his commands. We need to seek his will, and glorify his name.

Third, we need to share this good news with others, and invite them to experience God’s grace and mercy. We need to be witnesses of Christ, and show his love and compassion. We need to be salt and light in the world, and make a difference for his kingdom. We need to be faithful stewards of his creation, and enjoy his gifts.
Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, thank you for your love and grace. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins and rise again. Thank you for covering our sin and giving us eternal life. Forgive us for our sin, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Help us to live in the light of your love and truth, and not in the darkness of sin and deception. Help us to share this good news with others, and invite them to experience your grace and mercy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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