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DAILY BREAD: DECEMBER 28, 2023 / The Image of God and the Sanctity of Life

Good day, Once again welcome to my daily bread post. Today let's tackle the Book of Genesis Chapter 9 verse 6. This verse speaks the value and dignity of human life, as well as the responsibility and accountability of human actions. It says:

Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind. (NIV)

This verse is part of the covenant that God made with Noah and his descendants after the flood. God promised to never again destroy the earth with water, and gave them a sign of his faithfulness: the rainbow. He also gave them some instructions on how to live on the earth, including this commandment to respect and protect human life.

The reason why human life is sacred and inviolable is because it bears the image of God. God created humans in his own likeness, to reflect his character and glory. Humans are not just animals or objects, but persons with dignity and worth. They have the capacity to know, love, and worship God, and to relate to one another in love and justice. They are also stewards of God’s creation, entrusted with the task of caring for the earth and its resources.

The image of God in humans also implies that they are accountable to God for their actions. God is the source and judge of all morality, and he has the right to demand obedience from his creatures. When humans sin against God or against one another, they violate his holy will and mar his image in them. They also incur his wrath and judgment, unless they repent and receive his grace and forgiveness.

The verse also implies that human justice should reflect God’s justice. God has delegated to humans the authority and responsibility to uphold his law and to punish those who break it. This includes the right and duty to execute capital punishment for murder, as a way of expressing God’s wrath and vindicating his image. However, human justice should also be tempered by mercy and compassion, and should not be motivated by revenge or hatred.

The verse also points to the ultimate fulfillment of God’s justice and mercy in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the perfect image of God, who came to earth to reveal God’s love and righteousness. He also came to die for our sins, shedding his blood on the cross to pay the penalty that we deserved. He rose again from the dead, defeating death and sin, and giving us new life in him. He is the Lord and Savior of all who believe in him, and he will come again to judge the living and the dead, and to restore all things to God’s original design.

Therefore, as followers of Christ, we should value and respect human life as God does. We should not kill, harm, or oppress others, but rather love, serve, and protect them. We should also seek to restore and renew God’s image in ourselves and in others, by living in obedience to God’s will and by sharing the gospel of his grace. We should also look forward to the day when God will wipe away every tear, and there will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain (Revelation 21:4).

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